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Biden-Harris Brought Afghan Terrorist Planning Election Day Massacre to America

Biden-Harris Brought Afghan Terrorist Planning Election Day Massacre to America

Handing the entire Afghanistan’s control to Taliban wasn’t enough for the Biden-Harris administration. To put a rider on this destructive agenda, the failed government of the United States brought planeloads of Afghans to resettle them into America without properly vetting them. One of those beneficiaries is now the key suspect in a potential terrorist attack on Americans on the Election Day in November.

As reported by Breitbart, Afghan national Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was arrested last week (October 7) in Oklahoma along with an unnamed con-conspirator for plotting a terrorist attack that would target Americans on the Election Day. The planned attack was part of the ISIS-supportive ideology of the two suspects, both related and Afghan migrants.

To the concerned and patriotic Americans, this textbook case of Islamic terror imported straight from a terror-infested country by an administration that has opened borders for demographic replacement is not the only or last case of such nature. But the details of Tawhedi’s settlement in Oklahoma City are revealing and confirm the dangerous anti-American designs of Democrats and the compromised segment of their Republicans enablers.

Breitbart reported that Tawhedi, who is now 27, was allowed to enter America on September 9, 2021, on a Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) under a special program championed by Kamala Harris, who used the rhetoric of helping vulnerable women and children to justify mass import of such unvetted Afghans and resettling them in America. Tawhedi’s con-conspirator remains unnamed because of being a juvenile but it has been reported that he is Tawhedi’s brother-in-law. The two suspects lived in separate houses and would often stay at each other’s residence.

Media also revealed a possible explanation for Tawhedi’s easy entrance into the country. While in Afghanistan, Tawhedi worked for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He was a security guard for the CIA. This explanation raises more concerns as it puts to question whether the scandal-ridden federal spying agency has enabled Tawhedi’s radical plan to attack Americans on the Election Day. NBC News reported:

“It’s not clear whether Tawhedi was a radical Islamist when he came to the U.S. and American officials declined to answer questions about how he was vetted.”

The federal government not being able to take necessary safety measures while allowing a young man from a terror-infested land looks bad. But it would look equally bad if not worse that a CIA employee would be radicalized after he settles in America and is even able to buy two AK-47 rifles while just weeks away from executing his terror attack plan. According to the unsealed indictment by the Department of Justice (DOJ), Tawhedi used to view Islamic terror propaganda including things like rewards for killing infidels, their women, and children.

The arrest of Tawhedi is an indirect indictment of the anti-American Biden-Harris administration that has worked only to make America unsafe for its citizens. Conservatives have not minced their words when responding to the story.

“Kamala Harris is allowing terrorist in America!” said one veteran on X (Twitter).

The official X account of President Trump posted a short video on Friday with short clips of news highlighting the horrors of illegal aliens engaging in atrocities against Americans. The clip of Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was part of this glimpse of criminals brought into the country by the Biden-Harris administration.

About The Author


  1. Americafirst

    So much is now coming out about “Kamala Harris” now. It isn’t good. Harris definitely has a criminal background. Harris was not born in America or her territories. She was born in Benghazi. That is against the Constitution – to be President a person has to be born on American soil. Harris is also giving orders out that only the President can order. Some people are even calling Harris “President Harris”. When did Harris become President? What did I miss? Harris is overstepping her station Harris is a former prostitute. Also is a transvestite. Harris did much harm to innocent people when she was a DA. It’s coming out now that Harris was in on the order of HAARP to devastate red states. If one looks at a video of her, watch her neck. The Adams apple is definite. Ever notice how she very rarely ever wears a skirt and never wears a dress? I certainly do not want a criminal for President. I’m not worried, though. The people are waking up by truckloads now.

    • too old to con

      what possible proof do you have she was born in Benghazi, when her father a Jamaican and her mother an Indian, were both students at california universities at her birth. please post factual link to prove this. if not, please do not spread unfounded and unverifiable statements. we dont need this. I am no fan of ka ma la, and am a trump person all the way. we dont want to stoop to democrat levels posting untruths.

      • Americafirst

        To: too old to con. Can’t you read? That information has been on a great many websites for all to read. I should not have to provide you proof of what is already out there. The real Kamala is as I said above and has been executed at just about the same date as Joe Biden Jr. was. This Harris is not her/him. Watch the Adam’s apple when it talks. What possible proof do you have that Harris was NOT born in Benghazi? Prove that one. then you will find the truth you so blatantly disregard. You fool! I am for Trump, too so I am not trying to hurt you. I have done deep research for ten years now. What I said about Kamala (Kamal) is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    • too old to con

      COMMENTthese comments are laughable. is it your wish to be untruthful? if so, these moderators are asleep. where in the world did you get your “facts”? would really like to know.

      • Americafirst

        Stop trying to take me down. You will find the truth next week or two about the whole damned disgusting political scene plus more. You will see then what the truth is. I get a lot of my information from the military. I can’t disclose who. Other sources that I can are Sunny’s journal, and NewsTreason Channel 17. Those two are a good start.

  2. LMB


  3. Mike f

    I find it laughable that Urnst is outraged that this individual was able to buy an AK47-I am outraged that any civilian can purchase such a weapon, but I suspect you won’t hear idiots like Urnst say that. And when did the Biden hand the Afghan government to the taliban-that was a done deal negotiated by the orange idiot who preceded Biden. Such a fool we had in office from 2017-2021, and many idiots want to see more of the same starting in 2025. Disgusting..

    • Archie

      I praise God that we can buy AK47 rifles.

      • Mike f

        And you are a fool..The AK47 was a weapon designed for military use and has no business in civilian hands. You clearly worship a different god than I do-the one i worship is appalled that people like you want to have weapons of war for the joy of killing people….

        • Stranger danger

          I think it’s cute he wants to buy a Russian Kalashnikov.

          • Americafirst

            S d – you must own one if you are aware of them. Fool!

  4. AC

    More poo piled high by the guy who believes the big lie.

  5. stranger danger

    The author regales us with the tale of a Afghani ISIS terrorist was identified by authorities, watched, and ultimately picked up before he could do anything. This guy was planning a long-gun assault which, frankly, is just another day in America, no big deal. We would just say “what a tragedy” and do nothing.

    The author concludes: “the failed government of the United States brought planeloads of Afghans to resettle them into America without properly vetting them.” Gee, the United States is a failed government; that’s news. And it’s totally on Biden that an Afghan interpreter hired by Team Trump turned out to be ISIS. That’s like saying that Trump being a felon means Republicans have not property vetted all Republican candidates for past criminal deeds but it’s Biden’s fault because they were caught on his watch.

    One case does not a trend make.

    But we have work to do. This guy was an interpreter. This guy was first vetted by Team Trump during the Trump administration as being OK for an ISIS guy to interpret for our troops in Afghanistan. I wonder if he was interpreting for us as the attack at the gate occurred? Could he have been the lynch pin in that attack?

    There’s a good chance that the Trump vetting made his second and third vetting to get to America easier as
    in “he’s been vetted by Team Trump, let this one pass…”

    But the bottom line is it’s early, we do not know the full extent of our failure, and we need to drive it down to root cause. We should not be guessing at what happened and where the fault lies. And, most important, we should not be finger pointing to divide us before we know who or what deserves the finger. That’s what the author wants, that’s what the author does, in his piece o propaganda.

    And that’s the point. Many of these things are our problems, all of us, and not solely the province of one side of the aisle or the other. That’s a fact the author totally ignores. It’s all of us, it’s on all of us, and instead of participating in knee-jerk, reactive, blame-gaming the other side, to create disruptive division which seems to be the author’s real intent. To divide us. To make us hate each other. To further his Pakistani cause in America. To do that, the author uses a fake name, he comes from a terrorist-friendly nation, his home is home to the Taliban, to ISIS, and other terrorist groups.

    I believe in free speech, but is the publisher printing terrorist speak in these stories? Is the goal to be divisive, to rile us up to fight with each other, to lie, fabricate, and spread Pakistani propaganda?

    Has Joe properly vetted the author? Is Joe getting him his green card? Letting Pakistanis with fake English-sounding names scare us about terrorism seems an oxymoron. Pakistan is 95% Muslim; one would guess the author is too. They are 80% Sunni, ISIS is Sunni. The Taliban are Sunni too. The author is most likely a Sunni Muslim too, most Pakistani’s are.

    To paraphrase the author himself: this textbook case of Islamic propaganda imported from an author straight from a terror-infested country by a open-speech publisher that has opened writing jobs for foreign divisive propaganda is not the only or last case of such nature.

    • Americafirst

      stranger danger – There is a good chance you are the terrorist here!

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