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Biden forces Democrats back to the cover up … lies … and gaslighting

Biden forces Democrats back to the cover up … lies … and gaslighting

Since Joe Biden announced his run for President in 2020 there have been questions about his age and mental condition.  In response, Team Biden has been engineering a massive covering-up – hiding the real Biden from public view. 

Past concerns were successfully brushed aside for several reasons.  He seemed fairly robust.  And thanks to the Covid pandemic, his staff could keep him hunkered down in the basement of his Delaware home for pre-recorded statements and friendly interviews.

Throughout his 2020 campaign and his years in the White House, Biden established a reputation as the least exposed President in modern history – limited interviews, rare press conferences, use of a teleprompter even on the road, and those ubiquities cheat sheets with instructions more suitable for a child than a President.

The pandemic ended but Biden remained a bubble-wrapped President – the cover-up continued and even accelerated as his condition worsened.  Despite the efforts to guard Biden from unguarded moments, the public occasionally got glimpses of the obvious deterioration in his physical and mental condition.

The issue of age and mental acuity was a significant part of the political debate in 2020.  But all those around him – who knew better – repeatedly lied to the American people and engaged in a grand conspiracy.  According to the false narratives, Biden was not only of sound body and mind, but was described as a super senior – more energetic and smarter than those around him.  White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre reported that she and others could not keep up with him. The left-wing news media played along despite an increasing number of senior moments that could not be hidden from the public.

Team Biden pointed to the boss’s State of the Union Speech as evidence of both his current vitality – and his ability to serve four more years.  It may have temporarily lowered the level of concern, but it did not end it.

Then came the debate – and the lid was blown off years of lies and cover-ups.  Questions that should have been raised, considered and resolved a year earlier rose to the surface.  Biden’s tragic performance on the debate stage shattered the tenuous bonds of unity within the Democratic Party.

Biden’s inner circle continued the false narrative of an energetic and vibrant President – claiming the debate performance was an anomaly without any serious underlying aging or health issues.  However, the outer ring of Democrat officeholders, operatives and donors understood what they saw and panicked – calling on Biden to withdraw.

The news media also fractured. A surprising number of Biden-friendly pundits and commentators finally reported the truth.  Essentially, but unintentionally, revealing their own role in the cover-up.  Many now admitted that the Joe Biden they saw on the debate stage was the same Joe Biden they had seen every day for months and years.

The pressure to withdraw from the race intensified – and speculation rose as to who might take his place.  For a time, it appeared that Team Biden would have to succumb to the pressure – but they did not.  Instead, Biden said with steely-eyed certainty that he was staying in – and there was nothing the critics and the panicked partisans could do about it.

Many of those who once called for his replacement were forced into silence.  They were given no choice.  Bad as it may be, they had to pledge fealty to Biden as their standard bearer.  The Democratic Party strategy will be a return to the BIG LIE—the cover-up.  The American people will again be asked to deny what they have seen – and will again see — with their own eyes.  We are asked to disregard the MANY personal testimonials about Biden’s serious mental acuity problem coming from Democrat friends and colleagues.

So… again we hear Team Biden folks — such as Vice President Harris, press secretary Jean Pierre, spokesman John Kirby, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and many more — taking to the airwaves to proclaim that the Biden they see is a vibrant leader on top of his game. 

And yet, every day there are more and more one-time supporters coming out against Biden’s decision to remain as the Democrat candidate.  A most notable example was actor and mega donor George Clooney.  He said he realized Biden was in no condition to carry on after being with him at the fundraiser Clooney hosted just a few weeks ago.  The Biden he saw at his fundraiser was the same Biden he saw at the debate.  Other donors at Clooney’s event have since expressed similar observations.

But … as long as Biden refuses to withdraw, the Party faithful will have to fall in line.  They will again have to lie about Biden’s condition in an ebbing hope of beating Trump.  They will go back to their past strategy of covering up … lies … and gaslighting.  Pragmatically, they have no choice.  Biden painted them in a corner by lying his way into the nomination – and so far, he is offering no way out.

It is impossible to believe that Biden and continue to resist the growing pressure from all sides.  Perhaps if he was in his right mind he would acquiesce.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. AC

    If your readers are to believe the story being crafted in this piece, then it’s no wonder you all believe Trump’s stories he weaves around fractured facts and mispronounced unintelligible English as truth. You are again exercising your extraordinary imagination this time. There is no way for you to know the situation in the White House unless you have audiovisual bugs placed in all the most sensitive areas within the Private Residence, Oval Office, and the West Wing. Since you have admitted working in the Nixon White House it’s no stretch for you to know where bugs can hide in plain sight. Any additional info on Biden has the AI texture up to there ’tis. You can fool some of the people some of the time.

    • Tom

      Larry is publishing many bologna sandwiches these days.

  2. Frank stetson

    Read on MacDuff. Seems a lot of Biden bashing rehashing of the same ole op ed scant on facts, full of fictions. No new insights here and little facts even to debate.

    • Tom

      Yup, this one is another bologna sandwich. He is recycling old lies and wishful thinking in order to feed MAGA minions. Recently, the foreign leaders who attended Biden’s NATO summit in D.C. said he did a great job, and that they had no concerns of his ability to lead NATO. You will not see Larry write about that! You also will not see Larry write an honest article about Biden’s accomplishments!

  3. Darren

    No, the problem is Clown like Clooney, raising money for a demented fool, then saying I has no idea he was that bad.
    As the old saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted!
    The real question is:
    Since all Joe can do is read.

    • Frank stetson

      Darren, a large percentage of Trump appointees say similar about Trump. And fools and their money, come on man. Bibles and sneakers?

      Best is, and this phenomenon bot solely on the right, but his stock went up after the rally. That’s always weird.

      Biden, demented or not, passed more legislation than most Presidents. Most good IMO. I like the man, the politics, and the policies. The economy has been good for me, and fairer than Trump’s for me. I wish he had passed the baton, but here we are.

      But too old? I think he can handle it. He never was good live. But being entertaining ain’t governing either.

    • Tom

      The real clown is Trump! LOL

      • Seth

        After the election get a good picture of Trump to stick on your refrigerator with magnets. Become a true patriot and support MAGA. You will be happy and proud to be an American

  4. Darren

    Biden Passed more legislation, and can not close the border!

    • Frank stetson

      I agree, border crossings too high. There are other problems too like afghan pull out, inflation, now deficit. Etc.

      But since his eo, 2024 crossing have plummeted to level equal to just before he took office. Look it up, be current. Imagine where we could be if Republicans cared more about this than winning the election. And they helped. They even have a Republican bill for e-verify that will stop it dead, so get wr done.

      But border crossings have plummeted more than inflation in 2024.

      The border is not a top priority for me although I would rather legal. NJ has a lot, we need the workers, they do less harm than we do violence wise. I sold a couple of dirt bikes to one,not sure if he was illegal, but bikes are in Colombia now 😁. Nice guy. Does my AC But with e-verify, no work, no come so I don’t know why it’s even an issue. We’re attacking supply, when we could just shut down demand.

    • Tom

      He tried, but Trump called the Republicans in Congress to block the bill. You seem to have forgotten this little fact!

      • Frank stetson

        I was just being polite and giving due to those actually responsible for their vote.

        Unlike you next responder.

        Hey, finished my quarterly and yes. new record high, by a nose. Pretty amazing since I made a tax oops and had to pony up $20k. I owed it, justcwas not supposed to nake that much. Which means I am paying out my ass for estimates this year. Thisall time high will continue since mostly fixed assets so pretty hard to lose.. Now what? My first redemption is 8/15 so I gots to think of something.

  5. Jim wampler

    Trump is the next president. So stfu and get over it.

    • Americafirst

      I totally agree, Jim.

  6. Joe

    That’s right Jim W., this party is already over with, DJT will be our next president, and we will sweep the house, senate, and presidency, and fix everything obuthead and hidenbiden destroyed. We will be america first, not last, like hidenbiden has done to our country. He is mentally unfit and out of touch with reality, even his own party can see he isn’t playing with a full deck. He needs to go ,but his senility, arrogance ,egotistical, racist, delusional, attitude, he will stay and get slaughtered at the ballot box, and election.

  7. Frank stetson

    Trump will fix everything you think.

    Just like he did before.

    Your House is dysfunctional. Your Felon Rapist King is lucky, not God’s messenger, and your reality on the facts, deluded.

    I am ever hopeful America will not choose Project 2025 as the path forwards.

  8. AC

    This year’s election may be the most consequential in our nation’s relatively brief 250 year history. If the majority of electors in the Electoral College are committed to Trump. In 2016 the popular vote went to Clinton, but Trump prevailed on a Constitutional technicality. In 2030 Trump lost both popular and college votes, even though he sent his followers into the Capital Building in an attempt to overturn the correct result by force. Now it been four years since and Trump has been busy staging his rallies from coast to coast the whole time. He has not let up on his campaigning for the past 9 years. During his term as President he held his rallies. When he would not concede that he lost the fair and lawful election. The rallies with himself front and center continued rolling along and still are happening in a town near you. In fact Trump and Vance came to my home town just this evening. That’s close call those I know in the town’s PD. I hope Trump reimburses the town for its additional security expenses. His last visits’ security bills went unpaid to this day. Trump’s response to the town’s inquiries about payment was, his presence in the town is sufficient payment for whatever extra cost the town incurred. Trump received donations in the millions of dollars from donors who live in that town alone. He is all about himself, his brand, and monetizing his celebrity.
    DJ T in government office was frighteningly chaotic the 4 years during 2017 – 2021. This time my knowing a great deal more about who Trump is, truly. Then add in his 2025 Project as his playbook as President, if he wins I personally fear for our country and its sustainability.
    All Americans should make themselves knowledgeable of what The 2025 Project is, get acquainted with its outlined parts, and introduce others to its existence and Trump’s allegiance to those instrumental in its formation.
    At 900 pages in length the 2025 Project covers every policy considered important to national security. At minimum the 2026 Project of carried out will extensively rewrite the U.S. Constitution and make void laws our nation followed to establish Greatness among other nations.
    This so called Project is the major plank in Trump’s secret campaign platform. Word of the 2025 Project is just recently received media coverage, but it will be a big deal. Watch for it. A political bomb like this is complicated in total. Yet, considering its ultimate impact will be devastating for us all. One needs only to say no and make deciding simple.
    On the subject of The 2025 ( and years following) Project Americans must be Unified against this travesty planned if Trump becomes #47.

    • frank stetson

      Spot on AC, chaos will be our epitaph if Trump gets in. Everyday a new crisis as the Felon Rapist King screams “crisis, what crisis” proclaiming himself anointed by God as our only savior. All for Trump and Trump for Trump. Hopefully, the people will rise up and not allow themselves to be ruled by a Felon Rapist King.

  9. AC

    Larry, what cha goin’ to do now? Your whipping boy removed himself from your whipping pole. Biden will not be your choice prime beaf and preferred fare on PBP’s barbecue fire. In comparison, Biden’s withdrawal from this election is like the car dealer marketing just one car brand and the manufacturer decides they will go out of the car making business and build motorcycles instead. The car dealer has a few new cars of that brand on his lot. When the last one sells, he owns the buildings and the land, will he find different brand of new cars along with older used models. Or, will he devote his attention to servicing cars built by the company that no longer manufactures that brand or any other car.
    Staying with. Biden as your only product fore sale is for you, journalistic planned obsolescence. Come January 2025 Biden’s political career will leave the building and disappear into the sunset.
    Who’s the next soul to be blessed with a big serving of your autocratic hubris.
    When I am looking for an example of hubris personified I have you in the frame.
    Surprising how often that need arises and I know where it’s found.
    Hey, what do you know, Biden is 81 and so are you. What a happy coincidence is that.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…