In a classic Joe Biden gaffe within a gaffe, he identified a reporter as working for the wrong outlet and then inadvertently reveals that his granddaughter works for Bloomberg!
This all happened during a press conference in Glasgow, Scotland when the President called on reporter “Jen Epstein of the Wall Street Journal” to ask her a question.
Epstein corrected the President that she works for Bloomberg News, which is owned by the financial entrepreneur, who was mayor from 2002 to 2013.
“Excuse me. I beg your pardon,” Biden told Epstein. “I hope — I got it. I got it, especially since my granddaughter works for you guys. In a different circumstance. So I got it. I’m in trouble.”
It’s unclear which grandchild works for Bloomberg and in what role.
A White House official told the NY Post that the grandchild works for Bloomberg’s philanthropic endeavors and not his news outlet, which has a coveted role in the White House press pool because it’s classified as a wire service, allowing for daily rather than rotating access to presidential events and trips.
“One of the president’s grandchildren works for Bloomberg Philanthropies, not Bloomberg News,” the official told the Post.
The official didn’t name the grandchild. Biden has seven grandchildren in total. The eldest three are all daughters of Hunter, Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy, 26 and 21, and 20, respectively. It is known that Naomi Biden was hired last year to work at the DC office of law firm Arnold & Porter, so presumably, it is one of the other two siblings who works for Bloomberg, as they are the only other adults of the seven.
The ex-mayor generously funds gun control groups and anti-tobacco efforts, among other projects. Bloomberg blew $1 billion on his failed 2020 Democratic presidential campaign against Biden before later endorsing Biden and committed $100 million toward an unsuccessful push to help Biden win Florida -which the current president failed to do.