Ben Carson says 'No' to Recreational Marijuana
“We already have enough people with low IQs, we don’t need to be generating more,” said GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson at a Florida event this Monday. The retired neurosurgeon told reporters that he is against legalizing recreational marijuana because it makes people stupid.
Carson paid a visit to Tallahassee, Florida this week to promote his book A More Perfect Union: What we the people can do to reclaim our constitutional liberties. While he was signing copies of the book, reporters from Capitol News Service asked him about his stance on recreational marijuana.
“Medical marijuana, when it’s done in the proper way and the proper form, can be very beneficial, particularly with patients with seizure disorders,” said the former neurosurgeon. But as to the drug’s recreational use, Carson says no: “Many studies have demonstrated that persistent regular use of marijuana by the developing brain can result in significant decreases in IQ,” said Carson.
“That’s as far as the retired neurosurgeon would go on the topic,” states Capitol News Service. “He said no to the idea of recreational use.”
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