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AOC Fears Jail Time if Trump Retakes the White House

AOC Fears Jail Time if Trump Retakes the White House

Darling of the far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) has revealed she’s worried former President Trump would “throw her in jail” if he wins the November election. The leader of the infamous Squad also said she thinks that the former president is “out of his mind.”

AOC made the comments while being interviewed on the podcast “On with Kara Swisher.”

During the interview, Swisher and AOC touched on the power of technology corporations — including Ocasio-Cortez’s “tangle” with Amazon and tech moguls’ conservative fundraising — Israel, artificial intelligence, and the upcoming presidential election.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she said. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.”

The ultra-progressive said she takes Trump “at his word.”

“I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word,” AOC said. “I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.”

Trump said during a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity that critics saying he would seek retribution were wrong. 

“Number one, they’re wrong,” Trump said. “It has to stop because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy because it’s Joe Biden, and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine.”

Swisher asked the New York Democratic lawmaker if she thought Trump really had a chance at winning the election now that he’s a convicted felon. 

“Trump does absolutely have a chance to win. That is why I have thrown my support behind Biden early, and I support it vociferously,” she said.

Ocasio-Cortez also told Swisher that she understands why there was a lack of excitement around President Biden.

“I think when it comes to presidential elections, and especially to young people, I understand the lack of support for President Biden. And I think the demoralization around the president has caused folks to sometimes tune out on down-ballot candidates that will actually advance more alignment with their interests. And so the answer here is to get into the game, not to get out of it,” she continued.

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  1. R. Hamilton

    Even if Trump wants to teach the DemonRat traitors what it’s like to treat them the same way they’ve treated him, he would still need a REASON. AOC is incredibly stupid. Unfortunately, being incredibly stupid while in office is not a crime, or the entire Squad, and more than a few others of both parties would be destined for jail.

    • frank stetson

      R. Hamilton. Why is half the country “rats,” or “traitors?” You are basically saying every other person is a traitor. Name one Democrat traitor and their traitorous act. And if you head to the border, you have to add all Republicans voting nay on the immigration bill. I wouldn’t, but you should since you’re into tossing the treason card.

      I believe Cohen would disagree with you on how Trump treats people he desires retribution and revenge upon as Cohen got out of jail to home arrest over covid concerns and then, on the eve of his tell-all book coming out, Trump talked to Barr and Cohen went back into the pen, for using the pen for free speech apparently.

      From AP: “One of Mueller’s prosecutors, Jeannie Rhee, said in court that Cohen has “provided consistent and credible information about core Russia-related issues under investigation.” But Manhattan federal prosecutors said he never fully committed to cooperating with them and did not earn a substantial sentence reduction.

      Cohen, who reported to prison in May 2019, was released to home confinement after about a year as authorities released low-security-risk inmates during a coronavirus outbreak in federal prisons.

      He was returned to prison weeks later before a judge ordered him returned to home confinement, saying that returning him to prison was clearly meant to punish him for his plan to publish his book, titled, “Disloyal: The True Story of Michael Cohen, Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump.”

      “How can I take any other inference than that it’s retaliatory?” Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein said. Prosecutors had insisted that Probation Department officers did not know about the book when they wrote a provision of home confinement that severely restricted Cohen’s public communications.”

      Ahem. It’s not like Democrats invented weaponization. Trump did. Check out the pardons for more. I just wonder how many of the pardoned gave him cash…….

      • Hammon

        Everyone who votes for democrats are traitors and rats.

        • Frank stetson

          Hammon, blah blah blah. Can you really believe that? Very harsh. Whattya gonna do about it? Everywhere you look, half your neighbors, workmates, half of everyone you see is treasonous rat. How can you live with that?

          But thanks for telling us how you view half of America.

          Haters gotta hate.

  2. liz

    Of course, Cortez is making this up. But I would support shutting up her mouth.

    • krink

      There isn’t a restraint or barrier on the entire blue, brown and green that shut that vile sewer mouth.

  3. kri

    She’s a delusion in her own mind. She should spend many sleepless nights worrying about the wrath of God that is on every baby killing freak and her coming judgement and damnation in hell.

  4. Robert Little

    Dopey drama queen. She must have a guilty conscience to be so worried! and she should worry.

  5. frank stetson

    AOC makes a lot of sense here, and as far as I can tell, Trump confirms it. But clearly Trump will not come for her on day one, if he gets elected. Perhaps throwing AOC in jail would happen, but that’s not exactly the first priority of The Retribution and Revenge of Donald J. Trump. She’s going to be way down the line from that.

    But he has promised retribution, revenge, and the use of DoJ to attack his enemies that he perceives as the enemy of the state and he perceives his enemies have done to him. He has said this. A number of times. And yes, I feel “they” will come for me someday as “he” becomes “they” and the process begins to go after all liberals who speak out. Maybe folks like AOC way down the pipeline and then a million miles farther away, me, comes later, but “they” would have four years……or more. Probably will get bonuses based on heads.

    My company downsized for over a decade. In the beginning, it was all tea and cookies, lush packages, much time before final separation. And the people doing the downsizing job hated it. Over time, the haters found new jobs and the ones remaining, not only liked the job of kicking people out the door, but they made their bones by making the process better, faster, more economic. In the end, I was asked to terminate folks by a knock on the door as a guard walked them out. Not even a box of office mementos. No two weeks, not even two minutes. When my boss and I objected to taking out a 22 year veteran that way, we got our two weeks for her and our own place forever on the HR blacklist. We had been doing it for so long that the folks designing the separation got really mean as we got to downsizing the lower priorities —– like AOC, or much, much lower, me.

    He has promised retribution, he has promised revenge, he says “dictator for a day” to get the job done, but what dictator has ever voluntarily quit being a dictator. His words. I believe him in this case. And while AOC and I are chump change, they have four years, minimum.

    Also, AOC notes: “He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.” This is true and bigger than that. He will have his team; each member will declare loyalty to Trump before the Constitution. Call them team Cohen. Not team Bannon ever, he has too much arrogance. But team Cohen, obedient little hit men that will do the bidding of their Lord. Until we stop them and they cry like babies they didn’t mean it, it’s Don’s fault right after they get caught.

    Trump’s next reign of terror will not be like 2016 all over again, but the terror of 1.6.2021 and beyond. It will be Trump unleashed. Guardrails down. He also has playbooks on how to proceed, like the one The Heritage Group has provided. SHOW ME I AM WRONG.

    Ask Trump direcly about it and he might respond: “Number one, they’re wrong,” Trump said. “It has to stop because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy because it’s Joe Biden, and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine.”

    Gotta love the liar that telegraphs the truth. Did you hear that? He says we are wrong to think he will seek retribution and then adds that it has to stop, otherwise we won’t have a country. Or is he saying we are just wrong about everything? As in so wrong that we must be eradicated. Is this a man who will not take action to protect his country? Look what he did to protect it from those evil, sick, drug ridden, pimp laden, release mental home crazies, released-prisoner devils, active terrorist murders, gang members, drug running, illegal aliens daring to seek asylum. And he says he has every right to go after them because he concludes Joe Biden is a criminal, his family is criminal, and they take money from China, Russia, and even Ukraine.

    So, Trump issues a simple, non-specific, they’re wrong followed by every reason under the sun to seek revenge and retribution. After all, he still feels that Joe must have “cooked the books” to get elected and no way could Trump lose unless it was rigged. FYI — Trump has said that every time he loses in politics, business, and life. Poor little weak Don. And he has claimed revenge, he had claimed retribution a hundred more times than he has said: “number one, they’re wrong” but I have every reason to do it……..

    No, I don’t think AOC will be roped up on day one. But year three…… could be. I mean, after all, by that time everyone in front of her will have been addressed and it’s going to be her place in line, from the list, because he won’t have his country if he doesn’t. And if that happens, yes, it will be your country, not mine.

    It wasn’t like the Jews didn’t see it coming.

    • Jim wakpler

      That bitch belongs in jail

    • Archie

      Frank you should quit lying. Trump said that he would get revenge from by being a winning successful president. He’s not coming after anyone. You lying bastards can’t win on issues but you are experts at character assassination. So suck it up and realize that Biden is finished

      • frank stetson

        Archie, obviously your deep-rooted frustrations lead you to lash out at scapegoats for your failures. I am not a lying bastard. I know my father. We won the last one, Hillary won the popular, we can still win this one too. Experts at character assassination? Since when is the truth that? I am sure he said what you said he did. It’s just that he said some other stuff not so nice too. You sir, like many Trumplicants, like Horist, cannot see this man telling you he is lying to you right to your face. Instead, like Horist, you imagine what you heard him say, what you want him to say, and you pull your imagined truth out of his gobbledygook of a word salad. IOW – you choose what you want to hear, not the truth he is actually saying. Let’s try some post felony conviction quotes, pretty recent.

        “Revenge does take time, I will say that,” Trump said to Dr. Phil.

        “And sometimes revenge can be justified, Phil. I have to be honest. Sometimes it can.”

        “By weaponizing the DOJ against his Political Opponent, ME, Joe has opened a giant Pandora’s Box.”

        “It’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them.”


        Those are his words, Archie. And I do believe it’s very possible it could happen. I believe, as President, as the most powerful man on Earth, that he lives up to these words. But wait, there’s more:

        “based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them.” On that one, he’s referring to all Democrats FYI. It’s as if King Don believes this is his divine right to revenge and retribution and he just needs your vote to continue God’s mission of revenge.

        “You have to do it. But it’s awful — look, I know you want me to say something so nice, but, I don’t want to look naïve.”
        “I thought it would be a horrible thing to do to Hillary Clinton. The world is different now. So when you ask me the question, would we do it? I’ll talk to you in about three years from now.”

        “You know, it’s a very terrible thing. It’s a terrible precedent for our country. Does that mean the next president does it to them? That’s really the question. So, you know, it’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them.”

        That’s his secret. He does something wrong, gets caught, gets punished, and blames others as corrupt in their actions to uphold the law. In doing so, he claims everyone is against him and all is corrupt and then he gets people who feel the world is against them to believe. Not you, but certainly the one’s storming the Capitol. At least that’s what a lot of them said, in court, on the record. And he did not sue them for defamation. Not a one.

        It’s possible as President he could do what he says:: revenge and retribution. We have already seen this President weaponize DOJ, IRS and other government agencies to seek revenge. Throwing Cohen back in jail, targeting enemies with tax audits, getting SNDY to drop the hush money case, just a couple of his tricks he has already used. He knows the ropes now, he will remove all guardrails in his way by hiring only those loyal to Don above the Constitution, and he will continue the riot he started on 1.6.2021 to have his way over the Rule of Law and The Constitution. That’s what I believe based on Trump’s own words and actions.

        Archie, obviously you can believe what you want. But he has clearly said he’s coming for us, for Democrats, and for the people he feels have wronged him, persecuted him, and treated him berry berry badwee. Poor little Don. I do not plan to be here when he does. Is that because I am afraid? Not of him. Of people like you that believe he’s a good man defending the American vision. He is not. He is a convicted felon, liable for sexual abuse and defamation, fined for defrauding his University, stealing from his own charity fund. His business is corrupt convicted of more felonies than Carter has pills. His personal fixer lawyer went to jail, his other personal lawyer is fined for over 145M. Two of his 2020 campaign lawyers pled guilty to trying to rig the 2020 and will testify against him if he quits the delays and goes to court to fight it like a man. He cheated his Vietnam draft with fake bone spurs. Frankly, there’s more but the bottom line is this guy has cheated his way through life, love, and family and now he cheats you into believing he’s the one. This election is about self-preservation, his our ours and our way of life. And anyone voting for him is making that call.

  6. Richard Tryon

    I did not know that AOC had learned as a Brooklyn bartender search “high tone” French expressions as she is quoted using it below. But it is clear that she likes to use her generous well voiced mouse to arouse, which is a bit stronger, then the slight encouragement of the French expression. But anyway, you choose to look at her record is enough to conclude that the only way to silence it is for Trump to meet with her constituents to explain her lack of education that teachers most of us that without motivation, people will accept food and housing to facilitate an idle life without meaning or purpose, beyond seeking physical and mental pleasures. AOC and her cohorts have only one advantage – they talk, louder without reason than anyone else.
    “I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word,” AOC said. “I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.”

  7. frank stetson

    Richard, if you think a second Trump Presidency looks like the first, you are smoking something,

    If Trump gets in, can I have some please?

  8. Hammon

    Frank you can line up and kiss Trump’s ass after the election. And be glad of it

    • Frank stetson

      Whattya gonna do if he loses hammon? You seem so sure. Guess you will opt fir a new fake name to continue hiding who we all know you are.

      As to your fantasy: nbl.

      Saw this in Politics Today.
      Republican Party Looking For Fresh, Young Candidates. Criminals OK. Felons Preferred. .

      • Hammon

        Who’s we sucka?

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…