Maybe you can take bat viruses and enhance them so that they can infect humans. Maybe you can get away with lying about it to Congress. But torturing puppies in the name of science may be a bridge too far.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is head of the National Institute of Health’s Allergy and Infectious Diseases agency, Medical Advisor to President Biden and America’s highest paid bureaucrat ($434,312 per year). He has become controversial over his flips on Covid Pandemic advice. He first said Covid would not impact America – until it did. He advised against wearing masks unless you had the virus – until he called for universal masking. He said it was safe to be outside – until it was not.
He got into a brouhaha with Senator Rand Paul, who accused Fauci’s organization of funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. After repeatedly saying under oath that no such funding was being provided, the NIH admitted that the funding was for gain-of-function research on bat viruses – although not the Covid-19 variety. Fauci had lied to Congress – and Paul was right.
It seems that Fauci has survived all those controversies – and his public image is only slightly tarnished. But that was before it was revealed that the kindly looking doctor was overseeing the torturing of puppies. Yikes!
I understand – and approve – of the need to use animals in medical research. Many of earth’s fauna had enabled scientists to achieve breakthrough medications and procedures that have saved – or extended — the lives of virtually everyone on earth.
Outside of militant groups of animal lovers, most of us accept the need to sacrifice rats, pigs and even an occasional monkey. But puppies? There is almost nothing in the animal world that appeals to the human heart more than puppies. After all, dogs are regarded as “man’s best friend.”
As if the use of puppies is not bad enough, it is the experimentation that is gut wrenching. The details of the procedures had the look of Nazi experiments on humans. In this case, the beagle puppies were infected with parasites that would eat away at them. Their heads were sealed so that swarms of flies would bite them and inject the parasites. The puppies had their vocal cords cut so they could not bark and then they were allowed to be consumed by the parasites.
HOWEVER … the sensationalized media reports had it wrong. Oh, those hideous experiments are being funded and conducted, but not by the agency headed by Fauci.
But the story did bring attention to a relatively unknown truth. In denying that the National Institute of Health’s Allergy and Infectious Diseases – Fauci’s organization — was responsible for the dog experiments in the initial news report, the agency did admit that they do other research on dogs – and that the vocal cords are cut so the dogs cannot bark.
They gave two reasons for the laryngectomies. They say the sound of the barking causes stress among the dogs. Damn considerate of the scientists … eh? No need to overly stress dogs that are writhing in pain – silently.
The second reason can only be seriously advanced by bureaucrats. The dog experiments blame another bureaucratic agency – in this case, OSHA. It seems the screeching of the dogs creates sound levels beyond what is permitted by workplace safety standards. Unanswered is just what is being done to the dogs that would have had them barking so much – and so loudly?
The central question is whether all that research is really necessary. After all, it is true that the horrific Nazi experiments provided valuable medical information – just like the outrageous syphilis experiments on Negros provided valuable information back in the 20th Century. And just as selling fetal body organs provide valuable scientific information. But at what cost? Where do we draw the line?
To be honest, I do not know where that line is, but I am inclined to believe that the described puppy experiments have crossed it. I would like Fauci to explain the essential value of these experiments.
So, there ‘tis.