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American Isolation Or World Police: 5 Paths & A Truth

American Isolation Or World Police: 5 Paths & A Truth

Pardon my absence, I have been in deep thought mapping out the world of possible paths and imagining potential solutions to the problems of today. The question that has been the central focus of my thought has been if we should, as a nation, accept the fact that war is a reality and embrace being the world police or to change our foreign policy to focus on America First by becoming isolationists on the world stage. In order to make decisions properly for the future of the west, we need to define our enemies, our options and our mission moving forward.

My dream is that the United States of America will be the leader of the free world for thousands of years to come and that we will be the driving force that carries human civilization to the stars to become multiplanetary. I dream that free market capitalism will conquer communism around the world while simultaneously conquering the corruption that exists within our own country. I want to see a future with the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom of love, the freedom of work, individual liberties, property rights, ownership, great jobs, a world wide open internet, the complete elimination of censorship, decentralization, decriminalization of nature, small government, big military, artificial intelligence, robotics, music, movies, books, creative entertainment, and original art. With that frame for the future set, what is the worth of a thought like World War 3?

What do we need to do in this current moment of time, as Americans and as those who believe in independence and individuality on Earth, to create a future worth living in for generations to come? Should we work towards being the world police or should we work towards American isolationism? How can we avoid war? Should we avoid war? If there is a middle ground, what path should we take? No matter the roads, what is the ultimate goal of the west? What is our mission? I ask myself these questions, entirely uncertain of what the world will become in the days ahead.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been swimming through these thoughts while watching the world work its way towards war. Is the thought of war hype? Possible? Inevitable? Would another world war be the end of the world? Will we win another world war? What would it take for us to be victorious if this is forced upon us? Or is all talk of another world war avoidable by the power of will, debate, discussion and deals? Once again the thought crosses my mind, Is peace even possible?

What would be the best path forward for the future of the American dream? Should we continue to pay for proxy wars and refrain from any direct involvement? Should we set aside our hesitations, put boots on the ground and get to the work of war ourselves? Should we remove all resources from the eastern continents entirely and bring our own forces back home to focus on American power? Should we shift our focus from the security of the world stage to the security of the American continents? If Trump wins in 2024, is it possible for us to make deals with our enemies, avoid world war 3 and all just get back to business?

I’ve been watching the war between Russia and Ukraine, the war between Israel and Hamas of Palestine, the potential expanding conflict with Iran and the potential war of China taking over Taiwan. Not to mention the expansion of China and Russia into Africa, the threat of North Korea to South Korea, the land disputes between Venezuela and Guyana, the communism in Canada, the communism in Brazil, the socialism in Europe and the communistic globalism of the United Nations, World Health and World Economic Forum, all while thinking about what America First means while we have an open border, a failing economy and rampant internal corruption against our own people. What is the best path that we should take considering all of these threats and conflicts on the world stage? We must do our best to make sense of all this madness in modern times while we seek solutions towards peace through strength, prosperity through free market capitalism and truth through ever protected freedom.

Over the past few weeks of learning, I’ve felt my own heart changing views across these individual matters. These feelings have resulted in my own hesitation to speak or write to publish another article until I could clearly sort out the thoughts in my mind. During this time, I’ve written and thrown out several articles as my understanding further developed. One simply on quitting smoking cigarettes and my repeated failures of attempts to cut the addiction out of my life. As I have yet to be able to quit smoking, I threw out the article. I wrote another article about red heifers from Texas in Israel and the thought of animal sacrifice to usher in a new messiah with the rebuilding of the third temple. Hamas has stated this as one reason for the October 7th attack, but again, due to the hype, I decided to throw that article out as well and just wait to see what happens next. Then the solar eclipse happened, so I wrote an article about all the silly end of the world hype surrounding the event that failed to become anything other than something cool to see in the sky.

I was angry at the stupidity that consumed the minds of many individuals that I saw online at the time, but as I wrote the article I found it to be a bit too harsh on religion and those who do still want to believe in the end of the world. I don’t believe in revelations or any of the end of the world hype, but decided to throw that article out as well as I believed that my criticism of people’s irrational end of the world fears surrounding a solar eclipse was just as pointless as their fears. Then I wrote an article about Iran attacking Israel, written during the initial hype, where I myself was sucked into the hype. I started the weekend writing about the beginning of world war 3 and by the end of the weekend I realized that it was just more fear mongering hype resulting in nothing but more money spent. Iran proved itself weak, again. Fear proved itself weak, again. All of this together made me disgusted with the media hype of modern times, leaving me in a situation where I was unsure what to write or how to think about anything going on in the modern world. Personally, I am done with the hype. I do not believe in the end of the world. Fear sells, but not to me. Even with the thought of world war 3 becoming a reality, I no longer believe that even that extreme would be the end of the world either.

After throwing out those articles, I set my mind towards clearly defining who the enemies to the freedom of humanity are on the world stage. I broke it down into three groups, ranked by what I perceive to be the most important based on threat level. The greatest threat to the future of human freedom are the depopulationists, or those who believe that we need to drastically reduce the world population. These are the people who push climate change, those who purposely produce poisonous food and poisonous medicine to profit off the pain of the people, those who push for more abortion rather than more babies and those who push for endless war without reason. Second greatest threat to human freedom are the terrorists, or those who kill the innocent based on religious ideology, suppress the rights of women in the name of a perceived God and those who destroy society, culture and freedom rather than being willing to work to make it better. Third greatest threat to humanity are the communists, or those who wish to force everyone to think the same and those who wish to replace religious faith and individuality with state worship and collectivism. This can come from threats of countries like China and Russia, collective organizations such as some in the United Nations, World Economic Forum, World Health Organization and all of the likes or it can come from within like what we are seeing from groups on school campuses today who wish to impose a collective mentality on the totality of individuals on Earth. Depopulationists, terrorists and communists – the 3 greatest threats to human freedom on Earth. If communists will help the free world fight against terrorists and depopulationists, that would be acceptable. If communists and terrorists help the free world fight against depopulationists, that would be acceptable. There is no vision of the future where depopulationists are acceptable. This is against freedom, against the independence of nations and individuals, against the expansion of life into space and against humanity itself. I believe it is possible to see a future where we work together to stop these threats. If not, America has to be willing to stand up to all of these threats by the power of its own will as one nation under God for liberty and justice for all.

With the clarity of this understanding established within my own heart, here is where my mind has changed from my previous positions on some of the most critical battlegrounds we see in the fight for the future of human freedom on the world stage. 

With Russia and Ukraine, it may be worthwhile to go back and read the article I wrote at the time after the interview between Tucker Carlson and Putin. When I first wrote that article, I had wanted to see an end to the war with a peace deal, land negotiations, the lifting of sanctions and economic collaboration with all sides involved. I recently watched a documentary about the history of the Cold War on Netflix called Turning Point: The Bomb and the Cold War. The deeper realization of the long history behind this current war began changing my current view on the matter. Despite the corruption that exists within Ukraine today, Russia has spent the past century actively working to control their land and their people. I believe in freedom and the independence of nations, so with that thought I believe that Ukraine itself deserves to be free and independent. I have found myself wanting to see Ukraine win the war, but I am uncertain if this is even possible without ally nations putting our own boots on the ground. Is their freedom worth sacrificing American lives to fight? With all the attempts of peace in the recent past between the two warring nations, is a deal still possible to stop the expansion of this horrific crisis?

With Israel and Palestine, I now feel as if we shouldn’t even be considering a two state solution. The land is the home of the Jewish people first, before Palestine. Muslims seek to claim the land for themselves, but I do not believe that we should be in support of their belief in that idea, no matter how difficult of an idea that is to express out loud.  I believe that Christian and Jewish Americans should support the state of Israel, Zionism and continue to support the Jewish people. I do not want to see a return of the divide between Christians and Jewish people in America. At least, as long as we can agree that our enemies are only those who are against freedom and independence. I even believe they should go ahead and build a third temple, if they believe it is the right time and they have the will power and the resources to do so. I think it would be interesting to see and a worthwhile endeavor, no matter how the story goes from there. More so than that, I just know that Hamas, which is the ruling party, like Hezbollah or the Houthis or Iran, is not worth supporting or feeling sorry for. The victim card being played by the woke left shouldn’t be taken into consideration here in my opinion and frankly I think we should continue the policy of not negotiating with terrorists. If you hate freedom, hate our people, hate our countries and try to kill us, we should feel responsible for taking care of that problem without remorse by any means necessary. As long as the actual goal is securing freedom around the world, as that is what I question still and I am not sure if I believe in the modern west with our current leadership. I still would rather see peace here than war, but looking at history I doubt either will ever let that happen.

With China and Taiwan, I certainly believe we should be supporting the independence of Taiwan as well. As Americans, we should support every nation who seeks independence from depopulationists, terrorists or, specifically in this case, communists. We should defend Taiwan and share its declaration of remaining an independent nation while continuing our worthy work here establishing chip manufacturing in the United States. Not only that, but we should be supporting India as well, who I consider to be one of our best allies on the world stage who is also currently in a years long border standoff with China. It is a critical pressure point on the world stage that is all too often forgotten in the modern narrative. Same support should be served to Japan, Australia, the Philippines and every other ally nation in the region.

In order of perceived importance to the eyes of the west, I see Israel as the most important, Taiwan as second most important and then Ukraine last. The problem here is that if we are to help protect one of these nations, we will likely be forced into these other conflicts. You cannot help one without problems in other areas becoming worse. If we are willing to help anyone, we have to be willing to help everyone, to the best of our ability. Saying this, I still believe in America First and believe that the needs of our people here, our border and our economy will always be more important than the needs of others.

All of this is happening on the world stage at the same time that we face existential threats within our own nation here in America from depopulationists, corruption, mass illegal immigration through an open border, rising crime, a failing economy, a struggling population, censorship and yet another election well on the way. With this in mind, should our first priority be world war 3 or should it be the security of our own people and our own nation? I cannot help but be reminded of the culturally common sentiment that you cannot help anyone unless you help yourself. Does this thought properly apply to America today?

This brings me back full circle to the central question of this article, if America should be the world police to protect the planet or if we should become isolationists to protect our own people first?

I see the potential paths of the future that we, as a people and as a nation, could possibly take moving into the future. First, we could keep funding all of these proxy wars around the world and keep all of our own boots off the ground. Second, we could move forward to take direct action by putting boots on the ground and fighting all of these wars ourselves directly to see a resolution as soon as possible. Third, we could remove ourselves from the Eastern continents entirely and reframe our mission as a nation to secure North and South America rather than empty our resources into the Eastern continents. Fourth, we could entirely stop any thoughts of war or being the world police and instead just focus on our own people, our own economy and our own borders and become isolationists to produce an absolute American fortress on American land. Finally, we could make it to see Trump win the 2024 election to see if his leadership would come with the power to properly set up functioning deals to get back to work as a world rather than get deeper into war as a world. As a poor nobody writer in Texas, my opinion here doesn’t matter that much yet and I am uncertain which path I personally believe that we should take. With that said, let us take a deeper dive into what I think that each one of these potential choices would ultimately look like.

First is the path of perpetual proxy war payments. If we keep funding these wars to help our allies defend themselves, things will likely continue to go on as they are right now. Ukraine will continue to take losses as it is impossible to stand against Russia on their own, no matter how much money or how many weapons any of us send their way. Without our own boots on the ground from the west, which most of the world population, despite an American congress full of Ukrainian flag waving American elected officials, does not support right now, Ukraine will continue to lose. The money will help prolong the fight, but look back at how much the last money we sent accomplished. Nothing but an extension of time and a continued loss of life. While it may have helped Ukrainian defense and Ukrainian pockets, it certainly isn’t helping the Ukrainian numbers. Most of the youth are already dead and now the countries that helped take in the Ukrainian refugees from the beginning of the war are already preparing efforts to send them back to Ukraine to fight now that the additional money from the United States has been passed in congress and signed by the White House. Israel will continue its response to the terrorism of Hamas, and I believe they should use the money to finish the job as soon as possible while hoping that the likes of Iran will not escalate towards further war. If so, we will be forced to act accordingly. With Taiwan, hopefully the funding will help them continue their defensive stance against China while we prepare the way to bring chip manufacturing here to the United States to further protect our interests. Hopefully the money will help the people of Taiwan keep their independence. That’s all that more money can do though. It will not win these wars, but it will help keep the status quo. With that said, is the status quo good enough? Looking at the world right now, I do not believe that perpetual payments for proxy wars will give anyone a worthwhile solution. In the best case scenario, all this money does is keep our allies afloat until we can hopefully see a change of leadership with the upcoming presidential election. Hopefully Trump wins and hopefully we see a path towards real world solutions to ending these conflicts and getting back to business.

The second option is instead of sending more money, we accept the fact that we are at war and engage directly to resolve the issues as quickly as possible. Looking at our past wars and our modern leadership, this simply sounds like a terrible idea. A war effort like that would have no support, especially at a time where the people of the nations of the West do not feel like the leaders of the West have their best interests in mind. In my eyes, if the people of the West are ever to fight another world war, it will have to come with reason and purpose. Not for self destruction, but truly for freedom and independence. Without those ideals in truth, there will be no will to fight. On the other hand, if we do unify under the idea of truth, freedom and independence, I do believe that we could win a world war 3 scenario. We do have the money printer and our allies all want to trust that we will be there for them if there is any threat of war. Everyone wants American protection and this is what allows us to keep economic power. This security stance is the only thing that supports the dollar as the dominant world currency. Not only that, but if we used the money printer to win World War 3, we would potentially have the power to eliminate all global debt and start over after the war. This may sound like a stretch now, but we will see how the future happens. People thought the world would end during World War 1, but we won and the human story continued. People thought the world would end during World War 2, but we won and the human story continued. People thought nukes would end the world during the Cold War, but the Soviet Union fell and the human story continued. People will believe that World War 3 will be the end of the world, but I believe the human story will continue. I believe we could be victorious and we could actually secure a future of freedom. No matter what, win or loss, I believe life will always find a way forward.

The third option, an escape from all worries of World War 3, would be to entirely become isolationists. This scenario may be forced upon us if our economy and the dollar ever fails, but it is not necessary for this to occur. American isolation would mean stopping all funding to the United Nations, to all world organizations, to all of our allies. That would mean bringing all of our troops home from every country and leaving every military base we have around the world. That would mean limiting all foreign spending within our own nation. That would mean all money stays home. Russia would take Ukraine. China would take Taiwan and further take over the South China Sea along with all the surrounding islands. The independence of India would be put into question, much like Japan and Australia. Russia and China would strengthen ties. Europe would be lost without US support and I believe they themselves would also turn to China for support more so than many aspects of the European Union already have. China would continue to exert influence to power over Africa. Israel would still win in the short term alone, but an increase of conflict could cause the nation to have to evacuate its people from the region as pressure would cave in on the Jewish people without the power support backing from the United States. The Muslim world would retake the Jewish land without US support. With all of this laid out, it seems impossible and irrational to imagine any of this ever being the case entirely. We can be America First and be World Police, just always putting our interest above others while actively helping to secure freedom for every other country on Earth always. Every free nation on Earth will help serve the benefit of America First when actually led by the mission of freedom and independence. That could still work, but complete isolationism on the world stage, while possibly giving us the ability to create an indestructible fortress of power here, still seems irrational and the wrong move to take. At least, for now.

The fourth path we could take, while also controversial and seemingly irrational but possibly logical depending how the tides of time turn, is that we could stop focusing on the Eastern continents of the planet and focus back on the western American continents. Instead of sending all of our money and resources overseas, we could focus on securing our land and our continental space with the oceans as our border. Create a United States of the Western continent. Help eliminate communism from Canada. Make them states. Liberate Mexico from the gangs and drugs. Make them a state. Stop Venezuela and help secure oil and minerals from that region for the west. States. Help El Salvador embrace bitcoin. State. Help Brazil eliminate communism from their country. State. Or at least all of the above with all other allies in a secure understanding and collaborative partnership of resources and economy to stand against the communism coming from the Eastern continents. Depending on what happens over the next decade, it is important, in the face of a possible world war 3, that this option is seen as a possibility on the table as well. Maybe not make them states, but at least secure our alliances and economies. It is things like this from the past that I can support deep state intelligence for, not them being weaponized against our own freedom loving people. It’s the difference between shitty communism tactics and awesome American work towards a mission of freedom. One I can accept, understand and find reason to support, the other I cannot. Still, if we ever take this path we will see all the same side effects as I listed in the previous paragraph, which still stand as seemingly illogical based on our foreign policy of the past decades since World War 2.

A final path is to patiently wait out these current wars until we can see the results of the coming election in America. If Trump gets back into office, it is possible that we can be America First without disconnecting from our western allies, it is possible to create new deals to avoid war, it is possible to stop world war 3 and possible to get back to business on the world stage. War could still break out with Trump as president, but I believe there is a much greater chance of peace and prosperity with Trump leading the way. Even if we were forced into world war 3, I believe we would stand a better chance of seeing victory with Trump than Biden or even RFK. I do not believe the leadership of Joe Biden or RFK could withstand a real war. Trump wants a US iron dome, Biden wants an open border. Simple choice. Again, with Trump, peace certainly is not certain, but it would be more probable. The same applies to any thought of potential victory.

With those 5 choices outlined, it brings me back around full circle to the truth of the matter in the moment. Judging by the recent actions of our current administration and leadership, it seems that the desires of the American population do not matter. We may have elected officials, but those elected officials do not serve the interests of the people. We have an open border with a failing economy for the people struggling at the bottom with mounting debt, crime and poverty, but our leadership just passed yet another nearly 100 billion dollar bill to supply the funding “necessary” to help Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. They also happened to vote to agree that we can be spied on by our own government without a warrant and without notification. Not only that, but now a bill is trying to be passed where our leaders are willing to sacrifice free speech in the name of defending the special class of people that happen to be the Jewish population. I love Jewish people, I support Israel, I hate Hamas terrorism and these silly protests on school campuses, but there should be no law in America limiting the First Amendment. Ever. There is no such thing as hate speech, only violence, that should be held accountable by the law. There is no special class of people who deserve more protection than others.  No matter how anyone felt about any of those decisions against the will of the people and no matter the debates, discussions or disagreements, our government decided that funding these wars was more important than funding our own people, our own borders and our own country. Our current elected officials, legitimate or not, are actively voting to destroy our constitutional rights and our freedoms. They voted to allow the deep state to spy on our own people and now they are voting to criminalize our speech. The truth is that none of our opinions matter, further, I doubt that even the will or desires of our elected officials matter compared to the will of the deep state that has been being served for the past decades of my lifetime. Is all of this actually for the best? Is funding these wars necessary for the future of humanity? Is there not a better solution or deals that could be made? Was the money necessary because war is reality? As I have written many times, is peace a pipe dream? Does the prosperity, free will, freedom and well being of our own people in our own country no longer matter when there is a threat of world war 3? This cannot be allowed to happen in the United States of America.

No matter the case here, if we are about to be led into another world war, the government and the military must do a better job of gaining the support of the people and fully explaining what our mission is through all of these endeavors. You must have the support of the people. If not, the only reasonable goal for such actions that we see today would be the complete self destruction of the United States. Not to sound conspiratorial, but anyone leading us to see an end to human freedom rather than an expansion of human freedom is likely a depopulationist and shouldn’t have power within America. The only goal worth fighting for is the freedom of humanity, but how do you expect Western humans to believe in that goal as being real whenever our own populations do not feel free within our own countries? Flooding the nation with illegal immigrants, manipulating elections, censoring speech, censoring online, poisoning food, poisoning medicine, lying in the media, weaponizing the judicial system, spying on citizens and even presidential candidates… on and on. All of these things sound like what communism and marxists do. If America is the same as the communists, what are we fighting for if not for self destruction? Therefore, without the support of the people and the country and the military and the government that are actively working to support the mission of human freedom and common sense on Earth, there can be no justifiable war. I’d be ok with the spending if I believed that our own government and military was working in our own interest. Same with the recruitment problems in the military, as I have always wanted to join the military but do not believe that we are actively working for human freedom anymore. If our government and military worked for the people, I’d be willing to work and fight for them beside them too. I believe in freedom. I want that for everyone on Earth. So if that is actually the mission of the West, the West needs to get all of the depopulationists, terrorists and communists out of the framework of our nation’s independence. That goes for every western country and every western military. You need the people’s support for what is coming. So it is past time that you get back to your only true original job, to support the freedom of the people in your own home. Otherwise, all of this is pointless self destruction that will lead to the suicide of the west. We must clean house and get back to the mission. Now, or the west will fail.

If the United States government and military want the support of the people, here are a few things they could do to regain our trust. Shut down the border, deport the illegal immigrants, get those who hate America out of America, show us you are willing to stop corruption here, unveil the truths of JFK, Epstein and Covid, bring criminals to justice, stop being a banana republic weaponizing our judicial system for election interference, allow Trump to run a fair election, stop selling out to China, remove the communists from leadership roles in military, government, media and journalism, help do the same with all of our allies and show us all that our government, our media and our military still stand to serve the constitution of the United States that was created by our Founding Fathers. If we stop all the self hate suicidal national narratives perpetuated by those who wish to see the fall of America and the dismantling of capitalism, maybe the people will believe in the American dream again and maybe the people could possibly support or even fight for a World War 3 scenario where the mission was clearly freedom and independence world wide. If this happened, victory could be possible. If not, failure is inevitable.

Hopefully the money passed will support defending the wars on all fronts at least until the election and that the economy continues to survive well going into that time. Hopefully we will see a fair election, hopefully Trump wins and hopefully we have another opportunity to create deals to get back to business instead of world war 3. And if world war 3 is inevitable, at least I’d believe there was a chance that the west was working together with the mission of human freedom and growth rather than human control and depopulation. A Trump victory in 2024 would be the best case scenario for the future of the American Dream on Earth.

I do not know if we should be the world police or if we should be isolationists. I do not know if we should keep funding proxy wars or if we should put boots on the ground. All I know is that if the west cleaned our house of depopulationists, terrorists and communists and could prove to the people that the mission was true prosperity, independence, population growth and human freedom, it would be much easier for the people of the West to make the decision of what path we should all take moving forward.

I still have hope for the future. I still have faith in God. I still believe in the American dream. I still believe that the West can remember what we stand for and what we are truly worth. I still believe we will define our vision and live that truth as our mission.

Either we do that, or none of this matters anyways.

About The Author

Jacob Machine

9 albums, 3 books & 2 movies. Come check out my new daily show on X @ jacobmachine3 Enjoy your weekend!



    man, I just got banned for exercising free speech again…..

  2. Dr. J. Boost

    I’m sorry, but you have not followed history – you followed our press and media – and the corporations that own them.
    I put the first importance to Ukraine, although Israel is the older US power-bridgehead by a region of economic and strategic interest:
    Both started on mis-treatment of minorities – some call it Apartheid, but it can easily move further, into Genocide.

    In Ukraine, the crucial point is the origin of Ukraine as a land that was, most of its time, occupied by foreigners:
    from 1200 to 1700 AD by Poland and Lithuania; from 1915 to 1922, and 1942 to 1944 by German Armies and Fascism!
    The latter had evil consequences for the Polish areas in the West: Lvov, Galicia, Volhynia, and the Russian DonBass in the East:
    The Western regions were practically totally “CLEANSED” of Poles and Jews, the DonBass was saved by the Red Army and Stalingrad.
    The original first state was a Viking Kingdom settled in cohabitation with West-Russians: the ‘KIEVAN RUS(sia)’!
    With the Polish domination ended, in WWI, a German Domination of a very bad kind took over, as we still see today.
    That, however, was replaced by Pres. Obama in a new World Order that attempted to take over ALL Europe (incl. Siberian riches).

    As for Israel, I would like to put your attention to the first occasions of Jacob’s sons practicing Hitler-like land-grabs:
    See Genesis chapter 34: GENOCIDE AND LAND THEFT!
    That is in the Torah- and, therefore, counts as absolutely true!
    BUT: CAN THAT BE A GOOD GOD’S WILL AND ORDER? – or is it Satan’s – or Hitler’s?
    What it is certainly NOT is a RIGHT TO ANY LAND!

    Do not accept ONE PEOPLE’S SELF-DEFINING RELIGION – or you must grant Hitler’s “Aryans” the same!
    These are terms unknown to people like Jacob’s sons, Hitler, Begin, Sharon, Kahane, and Netanyahu .


    One more try. FYI: probably user-error vs. speech ban. So, here we go:

    Now that’s a screed, that’s a manifesto. Where’s Horist to tell us how no one reads The Machine due to length…..
    I just hope the Machine does not take physical actions to fulfill his dreams, as he says, in his own words: “There is no vision of the future where depopulationists are acceptable.

    • Tom

      I have never heard Horist say Machine articles are too long, but I have said this several times.


    Although since “depopulationists” is not a word, I think we are safe. He has made up the definition which appears to be a unique collection of his beefs with the world. Not sure who he has in mind, I guarantee they are liberal, but not 100% sure it’s all the liberals since he fabricated the term. There may be those who advocate lower populations, to depopulate, but pretty much, they don’t have much effect in the world. Even China reversed policy, although not their trend, on that one. As to the rest of his made-up term, I really doubt anyone advocating lower populations believe any of that other crap Machine spews, attributes to them, and vice-versa.


    cant post more, being blocked

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…