Adam Schiff is trying to explain to America why Donald Trump is not supposed to use classified information how he wants.
“No, people work hard to get that information. People put their lives at risk to get that information. That information protects American lives. And for him to treat it so cavalierly shows both what a continuing danger the man is, but also how very little regard he has for anything but himself,” Schiff told CNN’s “State of the Union.”
I’m one of those people who risked his life to get the information that is deemed classified. I was with the CIA for 12 years, involved in counterterrorism, counternarcotics, counterinsurgency, counterintelligence and non-proliferation. My rosy red butt was on the line many times, I have no right walking around alive. Adam Schiff does not speak for me. And I can tell you one thing for certain:
If the President of the United States is unable to use the information I brought, THEN I RISKED MY LIFE FOR NOTHING.
We elected Donald Trump to lead our country. That means we trust him to manage our country, make decisions for the country, lead our military and deal with foreign leaders.
I voted for Donald Trump. I still trust Donald Trump.
Think about the utter BS that Schiff is spewing. Imagine a scenario where the President has to have permission to use classified information. Who does he ask permission from? The President runs the executive branch, is there someone in that branch with authority over the President?
Imagine the President trying to negotiate with a foreign leader, or trying to make decisions in the middle of a war without the ability to use classified information – even to reveal it, compromise sources, use it however he judges will be most effective, when America’s best interests require it. We who gather that intelligence understand and accept that our efforts may be used in this manner. And we are proud to do it.
If you have ever received a security briefing, they all start with the same fact. Classifying authority originates with the President of the United States. Any intermediate authorities are granted from that chain of command.
This is an absolute power of the executive of the Executive Branch.
Remember Hillary’s email server? The one that spilled classified information, was likely being read by every hostile power in the world, compromising the Office of the Secretary of State for several years? She should have gone to jail for that, it was a blatant and careless breach of national security. But Barack Obama went on a talk show and said, casually, that he did not think her compromise of classified information affected national security. Because of this statement, she was off the hook. That is how it works, it is that simple.
Schiff talks about us poor intelligence gathering souls whose information is at risk. Schiff has never had his life on the line for America, so he doesn’t understand what it means to support America in this way. And yet, he claims to speak for us.
So the question is: Does Schiff know this and is just attempting to gaslight the citizens of the United States, a heinous, cynical and traitorous act?
Or is Schiff such an ignorant asshole that he doesn’t get this simple fact about the executive branch and how our country is managed?
No, he does not represent us. Adam Schiff is a cynical fool.