Much of the current political debate over abortion has to do with popularity when it is essentially an issue of morality. When we only speak of popularity as opposed to morality, we should remind ourselves of the popularity of slavery in the early years of the American public.
Those on the left like to call Republicans and conservatives racists no matter what the issues may be. It is that old-tattered “race card” that they play when they have no good counterarguments. They even claim that opposition to abortion is racist.
If you take a serious look at abortion historically or contemporaneously, you may get a different picture.
The modern proponents of abortion in America rose out of the racist progressive movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s. It was a time when Democrat progressives were proffering a variety of doctrines relegating Negroes into a social and human sub-class. White supremacy was reflected in the presidencies of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt. The former segregated the military and the Executive Branch of the federal government, and the latter crafted New Deal programs intentionally designed to transfer desperately needed jobs from blacks to whites.
Democrat leaders fully embraced the racist pseudo-sciences of Phrenology and Eugenics — giving a false scientific imprimatur to the belief of Negro inferiority.
One of the most prominent advocates of racist theology was Margaret Sanger. Her mission was to save white humanity from the contamination of genetically inferior people – Asians, Middle Easterners, Jews, and above all, Negroes. These were times when Democrats in the south – with the approval of the Roosevelt administration — were performing hideous and needlessly deadly medical experiments on Negroes. It was a time when southern Democrats were conducting a genocidal reign of terror on the descendants of former slaves.
These were also times when Sanger was not only promoting abortion of black babies but also the forced sterilization of black women – often without their knowledge. In the community, the procedure was referred to as “Negro appendectomies.”
To promote abortion, Sanger founded the American Birth Control League as a means of preventing inferior human stock from propagating – using both birth control and abortion. Sanger did not mean voluntary birth control. She wanted to make it illegal for a Caucasian to marry a person of inferior standing. She wanted to prevent Negroes from having children of their own – literally making it illegal. And if they could not refrain from parenting, mandatory abortion.
Sanger not only travelled the nation promoting the aborting of black babies, but her group sponsored or arranged the procedure in many cases. Sanger was a regular lecturer before white supremacist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan. Her organization shared its mission with Adolph Hitler – who praised Sanger’s work and offered cooperation.
After Hitler declared war on the United States, Sanger had to disassociate from the Fuhrer, and changed the name of her organization to … Planned Parenthood. The name change did not change the objective of the organization at that time. The goal was to abort as many babies with African DNA as possible.
As Planned Parenthood expanded, the target audience did not change. PP Clinics were initially located in exclusively black neighborhoods. It was not until Roe v. Wade that Planned Parenthood’s services were extended to non-black clients.
Whether by design or tradition, Planned Parenthood has disproportionately terminated the lives of more black babies than white babies.
Current numbers show that approximately 39 percent of abortions involve white women, people of color (to use the new term) account for 61 percent. That includes blacks, Hispanics, Asian and other minority groups.
Blacks are approximately 30 percent of the total abortions. However, … when you compare those numbers to their population demographic, blacks have – by far — the highest per capita abortion rates of any group.
Looking at it another way, there have been more than 20 million black babies aborted since Roe v. Wade. Had those developing humans been allowed to be born, the black population of America would be 20 percent of the current population instead of 14 percent.
Sanger’s mission has been enormously successful. To put it bluntly, black influence and power has been significantly reduced by abortion – millions of fewer voters.
The use of abortion as a political tool is no secret. Years ago, I had a private conversation with a top Chicago government official – a Democrat. He praised abortion and rhetorically asked, “Can you imagine how many niggers we would have without legal abortion?”
What strikes me strange about the political debate over abortion is the constant attacks on the Republican/conservative pro-life community as “racists.” The folks who want to see millions of black babies live are somehow the racists.
There are a lot of ways to look at abortion, but there is one undeniable truth. Sorry to say … whatever you think about the procedure, those who support abortion-on-demand are supporting an institution that has very real racist underpinnings.
So, there ‘tis,